Saturday, April 24, 2010

Firming up my tummy skin ??

I have had 2 kids and after my last baby (which was bigger and carried all out in front) as I lose weight I am noticing I have some loose skin. It's not terrible but still it could use some firming. I figure if I find a good lotion now and use it while I'm losing the weight I can firm it back up gradually so when I'm back to where I want to be weight wise my skin will be firmer too. I know it can be done without surgery a girl I used to baby sit for lost sooooo much weight after her second baby that she weighed less than before pregnancy and she firmed her skin up without surgery unfortunately she moved away and I can't ask her what she used. I plan on losing the weight slowly well it doesn't really matter what my plan is my body says it's going to be slow and hard to get off. Pregnancy really messed with my metabolism. Anyway... with a slow gradual weight loss and the aid of a firming lotion I hope to see some improvement.

Firming up my tummy skin ??
sit ups, sit ups, sit ups. Try the ab lounge.


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