Saturday, April 24, 2010

Second degree burn not healing?

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S Second degree burn not healing?

I have a second degree burn that doesnt seem to be healing. k this is the story 6 days ago i sat on a hot curling iron went to the er the put all the cream ad guaze they told me to. my burn is now pinkish and not much improvement from the first time i burnt it. followed up with a doctor and she told me to scrub off all the dead skin that grows over the pink spot. But the anitbacteria cream is preventing it from healing in my opinion. Kuz i feel like the skin that grows over my pink skin is like a scab but the doc told me to scrub it off. I dont feel like their telling me to do the right thing. i want to keep the cream on but not wash off all the dead skin kuz i think its forming a a scab. what should i do i dont think doctors dont always know best.

IMP but if i stop putting the antibacteria on it how can i keep it from infection?

Second degree burn not healing?
give it time. My Dad got 2nd degree burns on his face and they just took time to heal.
Reply:Your skin is trying to heal itself by making new skin. It's coming up to the surface slowly. It takes a long time for any 2-3rd degree burn to heal. Just keep putting the cream on and don't touch it too much, besides cleaning once a day. If it becomes infected, you could be in alot of trouble. Most burn cases get worse because of infection. In fact, that's the number 1 reason in hospitals. I would put the cream on and some cover bandaid, and leave it alone. Besides monitering the healing, that's all you can do.
Reply:it would be a very foolish thing for anybody in Q%26amp;A who hasn't even seen the wound or knows anything else about you, to second guess what your medical caregivers are advising you to do. What I would advise you to do..... and what you really should have done...... is talk to the doctor who attended you, and ask him, or her to give you a complete explanation of the instructions that you have been given for the care of this burn. Anything you don't understand, ask the doctor to further clarify.

You say you don't think doctors always know best. I assure you that your medical caregivers know a lot better than total strangers in this forum. But the only w ay to get further explanation is to speak up and ask. Good luck, and speedy recovery.
Reply:Use neosporin. It doesn't hurt when you put it on. Also, if you have a scar left, then use Mederma.

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